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Imagine if time couldn't compromise your stability. Wouldn't it be better if you could manage your stability and financial planning at the same time?

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Benefit Details & Coverage

Paying premiums for just 6 years provides coverage until the age of 80.

Receive annual cash returns until the end of the policy term. Receive cashback starting from the first year at 1% of the sum assured (end of policy year 1-5) and 2% of the sum assured (end of policy year 6 - until age 79).

High protection from day one provides confidence throughout the contract with coverage of up to 200% of the sum assured, along with a maturity benefit at 200% of the sum assured.

Receive a large lump sum cash return so that you will not be burdened in your retirement age.

The insurance premium can be used for tax deduction, with a maximum allowance of up to 100,000 Baht.

Terms and conditions

Issue Age

25 - 65 years

Coverage Period

Until age of 80

Premium Payment Period

6 years

Premium payment mode

Annual / Semi-Annual / Monthly

Minimum sum assured per policy

150,000 Bath

Maximum sum assured per policy / per insured person

Depends on the underwriting criteria of the company


Full underwriting

Additional coverage attachment

Additional coverage can be attached according to the underwriting criteria of each specific additional contract.

Cases which the Company does not cover

1. In the event of non-disclosure or misstatement, the Company reserves the right to void the insurance contract within 2 years from the policy effective date or reinstatement date or reinforced of policy or the date that the Company approves the increase of the sum assured only the increasing part, except that the insured does not has insurable interest on this insurance or misstatement of age that is outside of the normal business limit.

When the Company is aware of the information that enables the Company to void the insurance contract but does not exercise the right to void the insurance contract within a period of 1 month upon being made aware of that information, the Company forfeits the right to void the validity of this insurance contract under this circumstance.

2. In case of the insured suicide within 1 year since policy effective date or if there is reinstatement, should count the last reinstate date or the date that company approved to increase sum assured of this policy. However, increased sum assured part only.

3. In case of the insured is intentionally killed by the beneficiary.

Tax Deductible benefit

Tax benefits Life insurance premiums can be used for personal income tax deduction, up to a maximum of 100,000 Baht per year, as announced by the Director-General of the Revenue Department.


The purchaser should understand the details of coverage and conditions before making an insurance decision each time.


1. What’s the insurance product type of iSmart 80/6, and what are the coverage term and premium payment term?

It is a whole life insurance product with cash returns, providing coverage up to the age of 80, with premium payments for just 6 years.

2. Who is iSmart 80/6 insurance suitable for?

iSmart 80/6 insurance is suitable for customers looking for a life insurance product for financial planning, to create a cash flow or passive

income for themselves, with guaranteed annual cash returns and life protection for their loved ones.

3. How can I apply for iSmart 80/6 insurance?

You can apply through the agents of Krungthai-AXA Life Insurance Public Company Limited.